Beginner's Guide

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Let me tell you some step by step methods to do mylotting efficiently for a new comer. When you have a particular strategy for earning money, you can make some real cash off the net. So here is the list of things you might want to do:
1) Go to the 'Preferences' at the top left of the page and do the following:
-Upload a profile picture.
-setup paypal address
-update the country and state.
-Change your email address if you want to.
-Also check out the notification area.
*MyLot currently accepts only Paypal. Check whether you have a paypal address or create one here.

2) Do not start a discussion straight away.
3) Go to today's top discussions or hot discussions and browse around and learn how people respond and start discussion.
4) Start off by commenting and responding. Then start discussing.
5) Earnings will be updated once in a day, so don't panic if you don't see instant updates.
6) Do not start off discussions without a proper orientation.
7) Do not advertise or try to post referral links. It will be deleted.
8) Do not try to make small and one line discussion. It won't be given adequate payment.
9) Make sure you comment back to every responses in your discussion. Only the ones that were commented back gets payed.
10) Make as many friends as you can. Enjoy with them using messaging and by doing this more people have an opportunity to respond to your discussion.

To write a good quality response(for getting selected as the best response):
-Start with a good sentence usually saying a hello.
-Tell your central concept.
-Write down each idea in separate paragraphs.
-End with a salutation.

Normal payment scheme(if your discussion has met the quality conditions in an average manner):
-For responding- one cent
-For commenting- one cent
-For starting a discussion- no money!!
'What?' you might ask. But yes, you don't get any money from just starting a discussion. But when the first person writes a response, you get one cent.
For the rest of the responses?
Of course you get money for all the responses. But there is a condition: you should comment! Write a comment, get one cent each!

According to the posts I already demonstrated here, there are more than twenty responses. So you can earn approximately 20 cents from a discussion.

Remember: More friends you have more responses you get!

Do not forget these things either:
-Mark a best response for every discussion. People will respond more actively if they get benefits right?

-Do not forget to rate every activity as '+','-'or'!'
-Mark '-' only if the person had written something that is unworthy or misleading.
-Mark '+' for every activity that has quality content. Do not mark anything if it doesn't fall in either criteria.
-Mark '!' only and only if it violates the guidelines. WHich I have explained in my other posts. Be thorough with it and you can earn easier than ever!


Unknown said...

Hi there! I'm new in mylot :)
I just created my blogspot site but I cannot "claim" it in Mylot. I followed #1 Post Calim suggestion of using the profile HTML connected in my post but there's no "claim it" button after I load it. I haven't tried the #2: Embedded Claim. Can you give me more help? Thanks :)

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