MyLot Hack: To Copy and Paste

Monday, July 11, 2011

MyLot users out there, you are pretty much familiar about the great 'anti-plagiarism' tool employed by mylot to check on spammers: The anti-Copy Paste tool.

It is actually a javascript that runs constantly so that cheaters are dicouraged from posting spam and earning money. It is a wonderful tool and only trusted mylot members are exempted from this.

But look at the demerit of this:
*There might be a genuine member whose account got cancelled due to some reasons. If he/she wants to wants to share a informative link or something valuable, there is simply no option.

*Sometimes the web browser crashes and while re-booting, the content is recovered, but mylot shows an error message of copy-paste not allowed.

To over ride these demerits, there does exist a simple hack.

MyLot Hack: To Copy and Paste
1. Just go to the Options part of your Browser.
2. Go to the Browsing section
3. Uncheck the enable Javascripts on this page option.
4. Copy and Paste your desired content
5. Check the option of enable Javascripts.
6. Submit your content.

Do not forget to activvate the Javascripts option before posting or else the content wont be posted.


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