Trick To add Images at MyLot- ANY time!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Well, you have many restrictions on adding images when you are at mylot, especially when you are new there!

Adding an image is the best way to earn in mylot. If you can add as many images as possible, this would help you leverage the earnings. Adding as many images means- adding an image to your Discussion, Response or Comment. And even from the first day(yeah- no minimum rating required!)

If you have started a discussion which has 20 responses, and imagine you commented once for each response the estimates are:
- 1 image for discussion
- 1 mage per comment= 20 images.

So there is a chance you could get 21 cents just for images! For participation, you get another amount which depends upon quality of the content.

The Trick

1. After you type add more than 3 emoticons.
2. Post your content.
3. Error message appears: 'Max emoticons should not exceed 3.'
4. Now if you scroll down, you can see a form for uploading image!

Have fun and make huge cash!


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